Women’s Choice Award Programs at Walmart
Gain greater market share through increased visibility at retail & digitally with the halo effect of being in a group of “Brands We Love” events throughout the year.
Mom Hacks Radio
Women’s Choice Award Mom Hacks on Walmart Radio which are heard 3-5x a day in every Walmart! We created this unique offering to drive ideas and solutions to encourage product sales in-store, when the shopper appreciates it most. Plus our hacks carry the backing on a trusted endorsement, as do our events, which adds a level of trust to brands we recommend, resulting in greater sales and loyalty. And great news is that Walmart has approved branded hacks, so now we can do hacks around brands to drive even more sales! Happy to discuss this further and put together a program for your brand.
WCA Cart Program
To expand on the Mom Hacks Radio spots, we offer brands an interactive store experience with the Mom Hacks Cart program or the Brands Women Love Cart programs. This branded mobile advertising throughout Walmart stores helps get your product in front of her as she is shopping so even if she wasn’t necessarily thinking of your product on this shopping trip, it will be brought to her!
Contact us today to learn more.